Category: Podcast

Episode 13: A Banana Hammock Is Never Safe

, with special guest:

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we are joined by very special guest Romeo Azar, local creative director and Man of Opinions, for a discussion about James Bond and all things 007!

Booze fans can also rejoice this week, as we have many options for your drinking. Our primary recommendation is Rosenblum Cellars’ Stark Raving Malbec, but feel free to also sample Crispin Classic English Dry Cider or Pacific Pear Cider, as we were under the influence of all three during this episode.

(Actually, there was also a fourth bottle of wine, but we didn’t like it as much, so we won’t plug it in print.)

(No, we didn’t have any martini fixings on hand. Clearly, we don’t plan these things ahead of time.)

Anyway, to distract you from our lack of martinis, here’s a video that Windy, Romeo, and I (and other friends) made over the holidays last year: a mash-up of Bollywood and “The Good Ship Lollypop”. It has nothing to do with James Bond.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 12: F*ck Bubble Wrap

, with special guest:

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we are joined by Windy’s husband, Chris “Monte” Bowlsby, and we talk about movies that scarred us as children. Join us in our group therapy!

This week’s booze pairing is Montecillo Rioja Crianza. We don’t know if we’re pronouncing it right, but it sure was nice.

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 11: A Loving God Would Not Be Mad at Yul Brynner

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we chat about religious movies from a secular perspective. Were we able to complete our mission before the laptop’s battery ran out? Listen to find out!

We also finally get to read out a listener’s response to our Pleasure Dome questions! (Have you answered our questions yet? You should!)

This week’s booze pairing is Zonin’s lovely Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, which is fun to say and even more fun to drink.

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 10: The Thousand Parsec Stare

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we talk about Star Trek vs. Star Wars: comparing and contrasting the two properties, and why we love them both.

This week’s booze pairing is either a Schell’s Dark beer (if you side with Melissa) or a Hakusuru draft sake (if you side with Windy).

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 9: Joy Flames at the Sides of My Face

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we talk about dumb action movies and why we love them!

This week’s wine pairing is a seriously amazing 2011 Victorian Claret from Guenoc.

And a quick note: remember to come to our web site and answer our listener questions! We haven’t yet started calling out to our listener responses in our podcasts yet, but only because we currently have about a six week buffer on our episodes. Listener responses will start showing up in the episodes in just a couple weeks!

But for now, we give you the greatest trailer ever made: STUNT ROCK!

Also, here’s proof that Melissa once met Alan Ruck:

Ruck - 2008-05-1714-44-57

Further show notes behind the cut!

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