Episode 8: The Six Degrees of Seven Bacon

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we talk about… well, we started talking about something and then wandered merrily into Drunkland. I really can’t explain this episode.

This week’s wine pairing is a Ravenswood Wines Cabernet Sauvignon, Vinter’s Blend 2011.

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This Week’s Underappreciated Movies

Every Monday, each of us will suggest a film that we feel too few people have seen.


Windy’s Pick of the Week: Holiday

Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn made a lot of classic movies together. For sheer lunacy, Bringing Up Baby. For more wit and banter, Philadelphia Story. Somewhere in the middle of that continuum falls Holiday, a film about wanting something different from your life than what others expect of you. Directed by George Cukor, with a great supporting cast (Lew Ayres, Edward Everett Horton), this movie is the perfect antidote to cynicism.


Melissa’s Pick of the Week: Sound of Noise

This Swedish film is a delicious mix of art and the hilariously absurd. Sound of Noise follows a tone-deaf cop, whose job it is to track down a team of anarchists who cause mayhem by turning everything into musical instruments. The plot goes from musical set piece to musical set piece, where you see everything from hospitals to construction sites turned into guerilla orchestras.

The team that made Sound of Noise also made a short film on the same concept, called “Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers”. It’s definitely worth 9 minutes of your time. Enjoy!

Episode 7: Women, Vengeance, and Claw Hammers

, with special guest:

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we talk about Korean cinema with our friend and Pleasure Dome co-founder, Lex Larson!

This week’s wine pairing is a Castilla de San Lorenzo Rioja (which we somehow killed before we even started recording) and a Barefoot Zinfandel.

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This Week’s Underappreciated Movies

Every Monday, each of us will suggest a film that we feel too few people have seen.


Melissa’s Pick of the Week: Johnny Guitar

Until this film’s recent restoration and release onto glorious Blu-Ray, Johnny Guitar was very difficult to track down. And that’s a pity, because this western is too strange to languish in obscurity for that long. That’s because the sexual politics were incredibly bold for a film of this age and genre. The title is a bit of a misnomer, as Sterling Hayden’s character Johnny really doesn’t have a lot to do with the plot. Instead, the entire film centers around businesswoman Joan Crawford (who spends most of the film in pants and a gun belt) and Mercedes McCambridge (who plays a cattle baron with her own posse). The two women battle each other for control over the town’s future, and gangs of gawking men follow in their wake. How did this get made in 1954?!


Windy’s Pick of the Week: Burlesque

This film falls into the category of “better than it had any right to be.” The musical numbers are absolutely top notch, and the cast is almost uniformly charismatic. Christina Aguilera is charming, and the script isn’t nearly as predictable as you might expect – most notable: characters are surprisingly 3-dimensional (e.g. the “bad guy”). With a cast that includes Stanley Tucci and Kristen Bell, headlined by Cher at her sassy best, this movie delivers on its burlesque premise: titillating, energetic, and best with just a bit of alcohol.

Episode 6: Wait… what was the point?

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we get autobiographical about why we love movies… and then promptly and frequently wander away from whatever it was we were talking about.

This episode was cobbled together from outtakes from our first recording session, so you may hear a little bit of compression in the audio.

If you would like to drink along with us (and oh, you might), we were enjoying that same Gascon Malbec that we were praising in Episode 2.

NOTE: Windy is not sure if 2002 was the year Tom DeSanto visited Butt-Numb-a-Thon, but wants to reassure our listeners that he did visit and she did get to wear Wolverine’s jacket and dog tags!

Windy Wolverine 2 Windy Wolverine 1

ANOTHER NOTE: Melissa is pretty sure that Tom DeSanto was at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2001, because Melissa was at BNAT 2002, and never got a chance to meet Tom DeSanto or items that once touched Hugh Jackman.

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