Idina Menzel Renamed Adele Dazeem for Broadway Show

If you were watching the Oscars with us / near us / within the same state as us, you probably heard indignant wails from Windy when she momentarily thought she was going to be deprived of Idina Menzel during the show. “We were promised Idina! I WAS PROMISED IDINA! WHO IS ADELE DAZ… oh hey, it’s Idina!”

John Travolta’s gaffe lives on in real life. Hitflix and Twitter user Janet Krupin (@janetkrupin) report that Idina Menzel has been renamed “Adele Dazeem” in the official Playbill for the Broadway show If/Then. The joke is carried even further in her show bio, where she played “Ephraima in Wicked-ly” and appeared in the Disney musical “Farfignugen“.

In the universe where Idina Menzel exists instead of Adele Dazeem, Ms. Menzel perhaps most famous for her portrayal as Elphaba in Broadway’s Wicked and for singing the meme-tastic “Let It Go” in Disney’s Frozen.

This Week’s Underappreciated Movies

Every Monday, each of us will suggest a film that we feel too few people have seen.


Windy’s Pick of the Week: Cover Girl

Everybody’s seen Singin’ in the Rain, but this gem with Rita Hayworth gets overlooked. If all you know of Hayworth is her stop-a-bus sexuality, you might not know she was a helluva hoofer. Also, Gene showcases his inventiveness doing a dance number with his own reflection. Bonus points for the Xanadu connection: Gene Kelly’s character name in this is Danny McGuire.


Melissa’s Pick of the Week: The Bus 174 Trilogy (Bus 174, Elite Squad, and Elite Squad: The Enemy Within)

Okay, I’m not trying to cheat by bringing up an entire trilogy of films. I’m doing this because Jose Padilha directed these three amazing movies, and I feel like I need to clear his name in the wake of the fanboy grousing about the Robocop remake (which he also directed).

The Bus 174 trilogy is the only trilogy I know of that consists of both documentary and fictional films. Together, the three take a microscopic and kaleidoscopic look at systemic corruption in Rio de Janeiro. The three movies are also highly engrossing, packed with action, intrigue, and fascinating people.

Bus 174 is a documentary about an incident in Rio de Janeiro where a man took a city bus hostage; it investigates both what makes a person do such a thing, as well as how the city botched the response. Elite Squad takes the narrative into a fictionalized (but highly researched) study into how and why the cops in Rio de Janeiro behave as they do. The final film, Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, plunges into the political machine that keeps the whole corrupt system in place.

The L.A. Times likens the three films to Dog Day Afternoon, Dirty Harry, and Serpico, respectively. I can think of no better endorsement than that.

Live Tweeting the Oscars

While we here at Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome realize that The Academy Awards are seriously flawed, we still love the annual Oscars show. Every year since 2009, Melissa has live-tweeted the show from the comfort of a friend’s living room, and gained a moment of glory when she tweeted so fast that Twitter decided she was a robot and shut down her account. Every year since, she has attempted to break Twitter during the Oscars.

This year, Melissa and Windy teamed up on the @XanaduCinema Twitter account for Oscars night. Yes, Twitter did break. New outlets claim that the Ellen DeGeneres selfie took Twitter to the FailWhale zone, but we here in the Pleasure Dome know the truth.

The Twitter feed lies below the cut for posterity. Melissa’s tweets are marked with an M, and Windy’s with a W. Tweets have been edited to remove useless things like hashtags. Enjoy!
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Episode 3: Butt-Numb-a-Thon

Xanadu Sq LogoWelcome to this week’s super-sized podcast, wherein you get 70 minutes of us talking about the annual Butt-Numb-a-Thon event in Austin, TX!

If you care to drink along with us, this week’s wine is a 2012 reserve Malbec from Trivento. Yum!

Click behind the cut to see the list of topics we touch upon in this week’s movie odyssey.

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This Week’s Underappreciated Movies

Every Monday, each of us will suggest a film that we feel too few people have seen.


Melissa’s Pick of the Week: Stingray Sam (2009)

Stingray Sam is a delightful micro-budget black-and-white sci-fi western comedy musical (!) from the mind of cult director/musician Cory McAbee. It was initially released as a six-episode series via the Internet, but as a film, Stingray Sam plays like an old serial, with a black-clad space cowboy and his space cowboy sidekick chasing down an interplanetary kidnapper in a string of imaginative and often hilarious vignettes. The whole shebang is narrated by David Hyde Pierce, who manages to steal the movie every time he says, “Durango.” The music is great, too. Stingray Sam is easily available on most streaming video services.

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Windy’s Pick of the Week: Trick ‘R Treat (2007)

A delicious horror treat that harkens back to the Creepshow anthology vibe of the 80’s!  Several interwoven tales of Halloween horror, and the most adorable nightmare ever, named Sam, roams through them all dragging his little bag behind.  Anna Paquin is the big name here, but there’s some satisfying scenery chewing by Brian Cox and Dylan Baker. Tahmoh Penikett also makes an appearance! If you like your horror satisfyingly bloody, but with a wink and a nod to the classic movie monsters, turn out the lights and turn on this gem!

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