Tag: Plan 9 from Outer Space

Episode 184: B-Fest 2024

, with special guest: ,

Episode 184Today, dear listeners, Melissa is joined by Noel Thingvall and Kelvin Hatle for tales from B-Fest 2024! Terrible movies! Bad jokes! Paper plates!

NOTE: We deeply apologize for the background noise during this episode. We were recording in live environments, including a moving car on Interstate 94. We did our best to reduce the background noise while emphasizing our voices.

Movies discussed:
Stunt Rock
Hot Potato
Wonder Women
The Wizard of Speed and Time
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Demonic Toys
Hard Rock Zombies
The Chilling
A Boy and His Dog
The Apple
The Black Scorpion
She Devils on Wheels
The Monkey Hustle
Tammy and the T-Rex

Other things discussed:
Stunt Rock trailer
A Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome episode all about The Apple

Episode 141: B-Fest 2023

Episode 141Dear listeners, this week Melissa brings you to the wilds of Evanston, Illinois for the 40th anniversary of B-Fest, a 24-hour film festival of bad movies, cult movies, and other mayhem. Killer children! Aliens resurrecting the dead! Space Camp!

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 126: Everything Is Doors Now

, with special guest: ,

B-Fest 2017This week, dear listeners, we bring you straight into the heart of B-Fest 2017, as Melissa, Field Correspondent Kelvin Hatle, and special guest star Tim Lehnerer spend 24 hours in Chicago watching crappy movies!

And if you are wondering what we were drinking, the answer is, “Not enough.”

Click beyond the cut for show notes!


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Episode 101: Poopception: Part 1

, with special guest:

0101 B-Fest 2016This week, dear listeners, is the first half of our B-Fest 2016 report! Melissa ventured off to Chicago with Kelvin Hatle to watch 24 straight hours of B movies, and so now you can hear the two of them tell tales of dumbfoundedness while Windy happily drinks!

If you would like to drink along, we heartily recommend New Glarus Staghorn Octoberfest (Kelvin’s pick), Green River soda (Melissa’s pick), and HEB mango sparkling water with sake (Windy’s concoction).

And here’s a photo of Melissa wearing her birthday present from Windy:



More show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 64: Let’s Get Destructed

, with special guest:

0064 B-FestBuckle up your seat belts, dear listeners, because on today’s episode we are joined by Kelvin Hatle for a blow-by-blow, film-by-film description of B-Fest 2015! Listen in to find out about such things as Korean Godzilla knock-offs, a mustache-free Sam Elliott, and paper plate throwing strategies!

Today’s extra-sauced episode is brought to you by a bottle of Rabbit Ridge Allure du Robles and several bottles of Newcastle Caledonian Scotch Ale.

Show notes behind the cut!

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