Podcast Guest: Noel Thingvall

Episode 184: B-Fest 2024

, with special guest: ,

Episode 184Today, dear listeners, Melissa is joined by Noel Thingvall and Kelvin Hatle for tales from B-Fest 2024! Terrible movies! Bad jokes! Paper plates!

NOTE: We deeply apologize for the background noise during this episode. We were recording in live environments, including a moving car on Interstate 94. We did our best to reduce the background noise while emphasizing our voices.

Movies discussed:
Stunt Rock
Hot Potato
Wonder Women
The Wizard of Speed and Time
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Demonic Toys
Hard Rock Zombies
The Chilling
A Boy and His Dog
The Apple
The Black Scorpion
She Devils on Wheels
The Monkey Hustle
Tammy and the T-Rex

Other things discussed:
Stunt Rock trailer
A Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome episode all about The Apple

Episode 141: B-Fest 2023

Episode 141Dear listeners, this week Melissa brings you to the wilds of Evanston, Illinois for the 40th anniversary of B-Fest, a 24-hour film festival of bad movies, cult movies, and other mayhem. Killer children! Aliens resurrecting the dead! Space Camp!

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 105: Punching Space Sharks

0105 Off-Topic 7Dear listeners, it is time for our seventh Off-Topic Extravaganza! That’s right, the episode number is a multiple of 15, which means this episode is entirely constructed of outtakes from the previous 14 episodes. These clips were sliced out because of time constraints, irrelevance, and/or inebriation, but we felt we could still put them to some good use.

During the course of the episode, you will hear the voices of:

Noel Thingvall
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Wick
Jerry Belich
Monte (aka Chris Bowlsby)

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 92: A Jail of Cages: Part 2

, with special guest:

Nicolas CageThis week, dear listeners, Windy, Melissa, and Noel Thingvall bring you the exciting conclusion to our two-part episode about Nicolas Cage!

…and really, do we need to say anything more than that?

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 91: A Jail of Cages: Part 1

, with special guest:

Nicolas CageHappy Thanksgiving, dear listeners! Do you know what we’re thankful for? (I mean, aside from wine?) We are thankful for Nicolas Cage!

That’s right, dear listeners! This week, we give you part one of a massive two-part joyfest about Nicolas Cage. And joining us for this endeavor is special guest star, Noel Thingvall: Master of Two-Part Episodes.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend Barefoot Refresh Crisp Red, which is basically wine soda. Or, if you would rather stay on the non-alcoholic side, we recommend either strawberry kiwi juice or Mendota Springs sparkling water.

Show notes behind the cut!

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