Podcast Guest: Pat Wick

Episode 105: Punching Space Sharks

0105 Off-Topic 7Dear listeners, it is time for our seventh Off-Topic Extravaganza! That’s right, the episode number is a multiple of 15, which means this episode is entirely constructed of outtakes from the previous 14 episodes. These clips were sliced out because of time constraints, irrelevance, and/or inebriation, but we felt we could still put them to some good use.

During the course of the episode, you will hear the voices of:

Noel Thingvall
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Wick
Jerry Belich
Monte (aka Chris Bowlsby)

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Episode 104: A Pair of Teeth: Part 2

, with special guest:

0104 XanaCineHoliday 2Dear listeners, we return to you this week with the second half of our XanaCineHoliday Extravaganza! That’s right — Windy, Melissa, and Pat Wick all spent an entire day in movie theaters, and they bring tales of current movies for your ears.

If you would like to catch up with Windy’s garrulous inebriation, we recommend Yellowtail Sangria.

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Episode 103: A Pair of Teeth: Part 1

, with special guest:

0103 XanaCineHolidayThis week, dear listeners, we are joined by Pat Wick for a two-part extravaganza about current movies, because this is our XanaCineHoliday Special! Windy, Melissa, and Pat all spent an entire day in theaters in three different cities, and they all lived to tell about it. (Bonus: if you’re the type of person who likes to try to guess the Oscars, the end of this episode contains 20 minutes about all five of the nominated Best Documentary Short Subject films.)

If you would like to drink along, we recommend Yellowtail Sangria, because it fuels Windy like gasoline fuels a car.

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Episode 98: So Many Carbs for Your Joy

, with special guest:

0098 War MoviesThis week, dear listeners, we bring you an episode about war movies, featuring super-special guest star, Pat Wick!

This episode was recorded waaay back in October, so we’re extra excited to bring this one to you this week. It kept getting bumped out because of various reasons (i.e., “Noel did a two-part episode again”, “we probably shouldn’t post an episode about war movies on Christmas”, etc.), but now it is live in the world, and you can reminisce about the days when Melissa could still have a beer! (Or at least Melissa can reminisce about beer.)

Speaking of beer, this week we recommend either Original Sin hard cider or Bauhaus Brew Labs Schwantoberfest. Both are delicious, and the Bauhaus Brew Labs have an amazing packaging design team.

Oh, and here’s the photo that is mentioned in the episode:

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Episode 90: Hey Posterity, Enjoy This

0090 Off Topic 6Dear listeners, this episode is a multiple of 15, which means this is our sixth Off-Topic Episode!

I know most of you know what this means, but if you’re a new to our podcast, here’s what’s going on:

Our episodes are edited. Like, a lot. We edit because we love you. Most of the stuff that gets clipped out just goes away into the digital aether, but sometimes, the edited material is fun enough to keep. So this episode is constructed from the bits that were clipped out of the prior 14 episodes.

The segments you are about to hear were recorded between May and November 2015. Aside from the voices of Windy and myself, you will hear:

Cetius Scotchbringer
Molly Glover
Eric Knight
Noel Thingvall
Pat Wick
Fes Works

Further show notes behind the cut!

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