Tag: Fes Works

Episode 125: Not Enough Sharks

Off Topic 8This week, we present to you our eighth Off Topic episode!

That’s right folks! We haven’t had one of these in a while! In fact, our previous Off-Topic episode was in 2015!

If you are a newer listener, here’s what’s going on: Windy and I sometimes wander off topic. Or one of our husbands starts talking to us. Or a dog rampages into the room. Or we just can’t talk properly, because we’re drunk. That means that there is a lot of audio that gets clipped out of our regular episodes. Our Off Topic episodes are your chance to hear the best of our outtakes.

The bits you are about to hear were all recorded sometime between December 2015 and January 2017. The samples range wildly in subject matter, audio quality, and coherence.

In addition to Windy’s voice and my voice, you will also hear the voices of:

Alee Ellingsberg
David Tyler McKay
Duck Washington
Fes Works
Jerry Belich
Luke Mullen
Paul Comeau

More show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 107: Everybody Needs Frockcoats

, with special guest:

The PrestigeThis week, dear listeners, we bring you a magical double-feature episode about the two magician movies that came out in 2006: The Prestige and The Illusionist! (Okay, there was a third one in the same year, but did anyone really see Scoop?) For this episode, we are joined once again by super special guest star, Fes Works!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend the following (not necessarily at the same time): Two Gingers Whiskey (Windy’s pick), Apple Pie (Fes’ pick), or New Glarus Staghorn Octoberfest (Melissa’s pick).

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 90: Hey Posterity, Enjoy This

0090 Off Topic 6Dear listeners, this episode is a multiple of 15, which means this is our sixth Off-Topic Episode!

I know most of you know what this means, but if you’re a new to our podcast, here’s what’s going on:

Our episodes are edited. Like, a lot. We edit because we love you. Most of the stuff that gets clipped out just goes away into the digital aether, but sometimes, the edited material is fun enough to keep. So this episode is constructed from the bits that were clipped out of the prior 14 episodes.

The segments you are about to hear were recorded between May and November 2015. Aside from the voices of Windy and myself, you will hear:

Cetius Scotchbringer
Molly Glover
Eric Knight
Noel Thingvall
Pat Wick
Fes Works

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 75: Alpacalyptic

0075 Off Topic 5It is time, dear listeners, for our fifth Off Topic episode! Like our previous Off Topic episodes, this one is constructed of bits that were cut out of the previous 14 episodes: gaffs, giggles, tangents, and other random stuff.

Amidst this wandering fray, you will hear the voices of many former guests, including:
Tonya Wershow
Kate Cornish
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Harrigan
Lewis Lovhaug
Cetius Scotchbringer
Eric Knight
Fes Works
Noel Thingvall

And, as usual for these things, our subject matter and level of sobriety will vary wildly from clip to clip. So, buckle in and enjoy!

Show notes behind the cut!

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