Tag: Hugh Jackman

Episode 123: Gettin’ Silly, Gettin’ Deep with Sex Canaries

, with special guest: ,

Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016We’re back, dear listeners, and we bring you news from Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016! Meghan Murphy returns as our special guest correspondent, and this year, we are also joined by BNAT newbie, Barb Lind!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend just taking a long swig of sleep deprivation, because that’s what all four of us were working on. (If you do need to sleep, Melissa does not recommend sleeping on the bathroom floor.)

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Episode 107: Everybody Needs Frockcoats

, with special guest:

The PrestigeThis week, dear listeners, we bring you a magical double-feature episode about the two magician movies that came out in 2006: The Prestige and The Illusionist! (Okay, there was a third one in the same year, but did anyone really see Scoop?) For this episode, we are joined once again by super special guest star, Fes Works!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend the following (not necessarily at the same time): Two Gingers Whiskey (Windy’s pick), Apple Pie (Fes’ pick), or New Glarus Staghorn Octoberfest (Melissa’s pick).

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Episode 94: I Hate Outside

, with special guest:

0094 Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2015Oh, dear listeners, it is the time of year that be bring you the Butt-Numb-a-Thon Report! That’s right, we watched 24 hours of movies all in one luxurious glut, and we talk about all of them — vintage classics, restored rarities, and sneak premieres complete with celebrity encounters. And, even better, we are joined once again by awesome guest-star Meghan Murphy of Kawaii Not and Geek Merit Badges fame!

If you would like to drink along, well… we weren’t drinking for this one. We were running on pure, unbridled sleep deprivation. Choose a drink that will make you giddy and sleepy at the same time, and you’ll be there with us.

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Episode 74: Your Soul Is Delicious

, with special guest: ,

0074 CONvergence 2015We have something special for you this week, dear listeners! For this episode, we combined forces with Screw It! A Podcast About Wine and recorded live at CONvergence 2015! That means the audio quality isn’t great and we’re especially squirrelly, but who wouldn’t be when joined onstage with the fabulous Dawn Krosnowski and Lana Rosario? Anyway, we took this great opportunity to learn how to hone our drinking skills, and then we discussed fan communities that have grown around our favorite movies and TV shows.

If you would like to drink along with us, we recommend either Chateau St. Jean Cabernet Sauvignon or Castillero del Diablo Malbec, both of which we tasted with great care during the episode.

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