Tag: The Thin Man

Episode 180: Marvels / The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster

Episode 180It’s good to be back, dearest listeners! Today we bring you tidings of our latest discoveries, plus a long discussion about the ever-expanding MCU and its associated fatigue.

Movies discussed:
The Thin Man
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
Marvels (and the MCU in general)

Other things discussed:
General praising/griping about various streaming services
The Marvelization of Cinema (video mentioned by Melissa during the episode)
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
Book Nooks
Sarah J Maas books
Russian Doll (TV)

Episode 123: Gettin’ Silly, Gettin’ Deep with Sex Canaries

, with special guest: ,

Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016We’re back, dear listeners, and we bring you news from Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016! Meghan Murphy returns as our special guest correspondent, and this year, we are also joined by BNAT newbie, Barb Lind!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend just taking a long swig of sleep deprivation, because that’s what all four of us were working on. (If you do need to sleep, Melissa does not recommend sleeping on the bathroom floor.)

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 57: Saltine Lust

, with special guest:

0057 RomcomDear listeners, if the term “romcom” is poison to you, don’t worry… we know how you feel! That’s why this week, we talk about romantic comedies for people who hate romantic comedies! And joining us this week as our special guest is comedy person Kelvin Hatle!

If you would like to ignite your passions with some booze (as we certainly did while recording), we recommend Rabbit Ridge Allure de Robles, a red wine with a rabbit on the bottle. Because rabbits have sexy-times, and so should you.

Show notes behind the cut!

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