Podcast Guest: David Tyler McKay

Episode 144: Off Topic Collection #9

Episode 144Dear listeners, we are still traveling, so today you are receiving a new “off topic” episode, which is constructed of some of the more interesting bits we edited out of our previous episodes. Some clips are new, some clips are many years old, and all clips are quite random.

Voices heard in this collection, aside from ours:
David Canfield
Fes Kaercher
David Tyler Rand-McKay

Miscellaneous links to some things discussed:
Keep Watching the Skies! by Bill Warren
Gorilla in the International Space Station


Episode 129: Thornado!

, with special guest:

MCUWe’re back, dear listeners, with an episode all about power dynamics in the MCU (Marvel Comics movie universe) and superhero movies in general! And for this extremely long (and kinda drunken) discussion, we are joined by geography professor David Tyler McKay!

If you would like to drink along (and why wouldn’t you?), we recommend either Bushmills Irish Whiskey (Melissa’s choice), Grupo Olarra ‘Acantus’ Cabernet Sauvignon – Tempranillo (Windy’s choice), or New Amsterdam Vodka (which is what Melissa was feeding David).

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 125: Not Enough Sharks

Off Topic 8This week, we present to you our eighth Off Topic episode!

That’s right folks! We haven’t had one of these in a while! In fact, our previous Off-Topic episode was in 2015!

If you are a newer listener, here’s what’s going on: Windy and I sometimes wander off topic. Or one of our husbands starts talking to us. Or a dog rampages into the room. Or we just can’t talk properly, because we’re drunk. That means that there is a lot of audio that gets clipped out of our regular episodes. Our Off Topic episodes are your chance to hear the best of our outtakes.

The bits you are about to hear were all recorded sometime between December 2015 and January 2017. The samples range wildly in subject matter, audio quality, and coherence.

In addition to Windy’s voice and my voice, you will also hear the voices of:

Alee Ellingsberg
David Tyler McKay
Duck Washington
Fes Works
Jerry Belich
Luke Mullen
Paul Comeau

More show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 114: Multicolored Ramen Movie Night

, with special guest:

Captain America: Civil WarDear listeners, this week we are joined by David Tyler McKay for an episode full of nerdlove for Captain America: Civil War! We start off with a few minutes of spoiler-free territory, then plunge straight into the Spoiler Zone, so you’ll probably want to see the movie before listening to the episode.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Bushmills Irish Whiskey (Melissa’s pick), New Amsterdam Vodka (David’s pick), or Grupo Olarra ‘Acantus’ Cabernet Sauvignon/Tempranillo (Windy’s pick) (it’s red).

Show notes behind the cut!

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