Tag: Death of Stalin

Episode 187: A Haunting in Venice / The Boy Friend / Lisa Frankenstein / Death of Stalin

Episode 187Dear listeners, we return this week with an extra helping of movies we liked! We have everything from Agatha [Christie] to [Soviet Marshal] Zhukov for you!

Movies mentioned:
A Haunting in Venice
The Boy Friend
Lisa Frankenstein
Death of Stalin

Other things mentioned:
Agatha Christie books
Sweeney Todd (Broadway)
Sleep No More (Broadway)
Book of Mormon (Broadway)
Fancy Australian yarn
Mark Mallman
Godzilla, Ryan Gosling, and John Cena at the Oscars

Also, as promised in the episode, here are some important visual aids:

Jason Isaacs in Death of Stalin

Jason Isaacs as Marshal Zhukov in Death of Stalin

The Actual Marshal Zhukov

The actual Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov