Tag: VHS 85

Episode 176: Dark Night of the Scarecrow / V/H/S/85

Happy Halloween, dearest listeners! Today we bring you a couple final films for the spooky season!

Also, a note for the month of November: Windy is traveling for a couple weeks, so we won’t be recording for a while. However, we still have some audio from many years ago that we never released, so some of that might appear in the feed while we wait for Windy’s victorious return!

Movies discussed:
Dark Night of the Scarecrow

Other things discussed:
Enamel pin collections

Episode 167: Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 2

, with special guest:

Fantastic Fest 2023Dear listeners, we are back today with tales from the first full day of Fantastic Fest 2023! Stay tuned daily for the next week for more updates from the film festival!

Movies discussed:
Enter the Clones of Bruce
Found Footage Festival Vol 10
Falling Stars
The Origin
Project Silence

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