Episode List

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Note: if an episode has not yet posted, the link will not work. Episodes post at 9:00 AM CST every other Thursday.

Episode #Episode TitleSubjectGuestPosted OnRecorded On
0001WTFW?Introductory episode2014-02-132014-01-14
0002Watershed MomentsWatershed moments2014-02-202014-01-14
0003Butt-Numb-a-ThonButt-Numb-a-Thon 20132014-02-272014-01-28
0004Oscars Pajama PartyThe OscarsTim Wick2014-03-062014-03-02
0005My Garden of Dark Black FlowersFilms Noir2014-03-132014-02-11
0006Wait... what was the point?Outtakes from Episode 22014-03-202014-01-14
0007Women, Vengeance, and Claw HammersKorean cinemaLex Larson2014-03-272014-02-25
0008Six Degrees of Seven BaconHoward Keel and Dan Aykroyd2014-04-032014-01-28
0009Joy Flames on the Sides of My FaceDumb action movies2014-04-102014-03-11
0010The Thousand Parsec StareStar Trek vs. Star Wars2014-04-172014-03-11
0011A Loving God Would Not Be Mad at Yul BrynnerReligion movies2014-04-242014-03-26
0012F*ck Bubble WrapMovies that scarred us for lifeChris "Monte" Bowlsby2014-05-012014-03-26
0013A Banana Hammock Is Never SafeJames BondRomeo Azar2014-05-082014-04-08
0014JerkburgerFeminism in film and other stuffLex Larson2014-05-152014-02-25
0015I Am So Sorry, Mr. Ghost of John RitterOff Topic Collection #12014-05-22Various
0016Oh No, There Goes San FranciscoGodzillaChristopher Jones2014-05-292014-05-20
0017Our Hand Gestures Are ExtraordinaryNaked people in movies2014-06-052014-05-08
0018It's Like a Treadmill for My LiverSupermanRomeo Azar2014-06-122014-04-08
0019Manic Pixie Dream NutsMental illness in filmMolly Glover2014-06-192014-06-03
0020Morality Is Our WeaknessThe concept of "family friendly"Christopher Jones2014-06-262014-05-20
0021A Bucket Full of WrongProblematic mediaKelvin Hatle2014-07-032014-06-22
0022Dysfunctional Is Still FunctionalBooze movies2014-07-102014-05-08
0023Screaming Keeps the Face SuppleHorror moviesMeghan Murphy2014-07-172014-07-08
0024Musical PTSDMusicalsFes Works2014-07-242014-06-03
0025Friends, Romans, Countrymen... WHERE'S THE JOKER?BatmanChristopher Jones2014-07-312014-06-22
0026Zen Master Tai Chi Roadhousey-FuBad moviesKelvin Hatle2014-08-072014-06-22
0027Sexism, Screenwriting, and Scotch: Part 1Feminism in filmC. Robert Cargill2014-08-142014-07-04
0028Sexism, Screenwriting, and Scotch: Part 2Feminism in filmC. Robert Cargill2014-08-212014-07-08
0029Kilt Weasels and Other Charismatic MacrofaunaMovie creaturesJennifer Mencken2014-08-282014-07-15
0030I Expect Jazz HandsOff Topic Collection #22014-09-04Various
0031A Lovely Forge to Hammer UponRemakes2014-09-112014-08-12
0032Ooh, Ruffians!Heist films2014-09-182014-07-29
0033Pure Ejaculation of AwesomeGuillermo del ToroMatt Kessen2014-09-252014-08-26
0034Flatitudes, Y'allPuppet moviesGordon Smuder2014-10-022014-07-15
0035Emotional TurgidityDouglas SirkSharon Stiteler2014-10-092014-09-09
0036Metal as F*ckRock musicals2014-10-162014-08-12
0037Your Crazypants Are on FireGhost movies2014-10-232014-10-07
0038I've Got No Quarrel with a BombPlanet of the Apes filmsMatt Kessen2014-10-302014-08-26
0039Nerd Police, I Need BackupGame moviesRob Callahan, Chris "Monte" Bowlsby2014-11-062014-10-10
0040Better Living Through JamesonMel BrooksSharon Stiteler2014-11-132014-09-09
0041Flower Arranging for GoonsMovie trade marathon #12014-11-202014-10-26
0042A Yertle of TurtlenecksHoliday movies2014-11-272014-10-07
0043Ri-cray-culousBook-to-movie adaptations2014-12-042014-11-04
0044If You Can't Feel Your Nose, Is It Still There?Philosophy moviesRob Callahan2014-12-112014-10-10
0045Time Is a BeardOff Topic Collection #32014-12-18Various
0046Let's Punch Each Other and Become FriendsButt-Numb-a-Thon 2014Meghan Murphy2014-12-252014-12-14
0047Tanks, Bazookas, and the Great Whatsit: Part 1Robert AldrichNoel Thingvall2015-01-012014-11-20
0048Tanks, Bazookas, and the Great Whatsit: Part 2Robert AldrichNoel Thingvall2015-01-082014-11-20
0049You'll Be in a Box and I'll Be HappyDavid BowiePat Harrigan2015-01-152014-12-02
0050Rock You Like a MuseXanaduSharon Stiteler, Gordon Smuder2015-01-222015-01-08
0051Gloss Gone Horribly, Horribly WrongBob Fosse2015-01-292014-12-30
0052Goth BakingSweeney ToddDavid Justin, Barb Lind2015-02-052015-01-13
0053Bad Art! No Cookie!Art versus entertainment2015-02-122014-11-04
0054Neon Escalators and Things: Part 1John CarpenterNoel Thingvall2015-02-192014-11-20
0055Neon Escalators and Things: Part 2John CarpenterNoel Thingvall2015-02-262014-11-20
0056Mutter Mutter Mutter KNIFEEarly Hitchcock2015-03-052014-12-30
0057Saltine LustRomcoms for people who hate romcomsKelvin Hatle2015-03-122015-02-10
0058Superposition YetiHammer StudiosPat Harrigan2015-03-192014-12-02
0059I Will Eat Your BeefMovies we dislike2015-03-262015-02-24
0060All Up in My Limbic SystemOff Topic Collection #42015-04-02Various
0061Turtles All the Way Down: Part 1Meta moviesTonya Wershow2015-04-092015-03-24
0062Turtles All the Way Down: Part 2Meta moviesTonya Wershow2015-04-162015-03-24
0063But What About the Lacrosse?Teen comedies of the late 1990sKate Cornish2015-04-232015-04-07
0064Let's Get DestructedB-Fest 2015Kelvin Hatle2015-04-302015-02-10
0065The Ugly Polyester Carpeting of the SoulTinker Tailor Soldier SpyPat Harrigan2015-05-072015-03-10
0066Ah Yes, Nicely Put, EvoreenyFavorite feel-good movies2015-05-142015-02-24
0067Switches Are FunThe Atop the 4th Wall movieLewis Lovhaug2015-05-212015-04-15
0068Punchlines Are So JungianMonty PythonTonya Wershow2015-05-282015-03-24
0069Where Do You Go Wrong with an Oracular Pig?Disney urban fantasy moviesCetius Scotchbringer2015-06-042015-05-19
0070It’s Like the Big Sleep, but Better SummarizedRian JohnsonKate Cornish2015-06-112015-04-07
0071Live Chicken Melee WeaponMovie trade marathon #22015-06-182015-05-22
0072My Best Friend Turned Into a CactusQuatermassPat Harrigan2015-06-252015-03-10
0073RextopiaCinema RexEric Knight2015-07-022015-06-02
0074Your Soul Is DeliciousCONvergence live recording and crossover with Screw It: A Podcast About Wine / discussion of movie and TV fandomsDawn Krosnowski and Lana Rosario2015-07-092015-07-02
0075AlpacalypticOff Topic Collection #52015-07-16Various
0076A Bulwark of Artifice and Awesome1987Cetius Scotchbringer2015-07-232015-05-19
0077Corn Is Creepy: Part 1Stephen King adaptationsMolly Glover2015-07-302015-05-21
0078Corn Is Creepy: Part 2Stephen King adaptationsMolly Glover2015-08-062015-05-21
0079Fishburgh!Underdog sports movies2015-08-132015-06-16
0080Cowboy DonutsAnthony Mann westernsEric Knight2015-08-202015-06-02
0081There's a Lake in the WayMinnesota movies2015-08-272015-07-14
0082Nobody Wants That Much Dostoyevsky: Part 1Akira Kurosawa filmsNoel Thingvall2015-09-102015-07-28
0083Nobody Wants That Much Dostoyevsky: Part 2Akira Kurosawa filmsNoel Thingvall2015-09-172015-07-28
0084aFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 1Fantastic Fest 20152015-09-242015-09-24
0084bFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 2Fantastic Fest 2015Jerry Belich2015-09-252015-09-25
0084chttp://wp.me/p42Mnq-k5Fantastic Fest 20152015-09-262015-09-26
0084dhttp://wp.me/p42Mnq-k8Fantastic Fest 2015Jerry Belich2015-09-272015-09-27
0084eFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 5Fantastic Fest 20152015-09-282015-09-28
0084fFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 6Fantastic Fest 20152015-09-292015-09-29
0084gFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 7Fantastic Fest 2015Jessica Cargill2015-09-302015-09-30
0084hFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 8Fantastic Fest 2015Adam Lueck2015-10-012015-10-01
0084iFantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 9Fantastic Fest 2015Adam Lueck2015-10-022015-10-02
0085Crotchety RockMoving movies2015-10-152015-08-25
0086Mechanocinephilia (with the Occasional Devil Cult)Car movies2015-10-222015-06-16
0087Whaps WhapsolicallyMovie musicPat Wick2015-10-292015-10-20
0088Onion, Parsley, ShoeDocumentaries2015-11-052015-11-03
0089I Believe in DhoomBollywood2015-11-122015-11-03
0090Hey Posterity, Enjoy ThisOff Topic Collection #6Various2015-11-19Various
0091A Jail of Cages: Part 1Nicolas CageNoel Thingvall2015-11-262015-11-17
0092A Jail of Cages: Part 2Nicolas CageNoel Thingvall2015-12-032015-11-17
0093Jaunty, Yet EvilXanacineholiday 02015-12-102015-12-01
0094I Hate OutsideButt-Numb-a-Thon 2015Meghan Murphy2015-12-172015-12-13
0095KlaxOn! KlaxOff!Star Wars: The Force Awakens2015-12-242015-12-18
0096There Is a Party in My Bottle, and You're Invited!Party Movies2015-12-312015-12-01
0097From Ant-Man to ZinzanaFavorites of 20152016-01-072015-12-29
0098So Many Carbs for Your JoyWar moviesPat Wick2016-01-142015-10-20
0099Your Hopes and Dreams Are Bug PowderThe Neverending StoryJerry Belich2016-01-212016-01-12
0100The Future Is DomesThe ApplePat Harrigan, Eric Knight2016-01-282016-01-07
0101Poopception: Part 1B-Fest 2016Kelvin Hatle2016-02-112016-01-26
0102Poopception: Part 2B-Fest 2016Kelvin Hatle2016-02-182016-01-26
0103A Pair of Teeth: Part 1XanaCineHoliday 1Pat Wick2016-02-252016-02-21
0104A Pair of Teeth: Part 2XanaCineHoliday 1Pat Wick2016-03-032016-02-21
0105Punching Space SharksOff Topic Collection #7Various2016-03-10Various
0106Consider Yourself... So SaucedMusicals that Windy hates2016-03-172015-12-18
0107Everybody Needs FrockcoatsThe Illusionist vs. The PrestigeFes Works2016-03-242016-02-23
0108Let’s Pop the Hubris Bubble!SwedingJerry Belich2016-03-312016-01-07
0109We Don't Need Physics! We Have Cars!The Fast and the FuriousLuke Mullen2016-04-142016-02-09
0110You Boarded This Bus on PurposeAsylum FilmsAlee Ellingsberg2016-04-232016-03-15
0111Scary Evil Ethnic NativesRacism in moviesDuck Washington2016-04-292016-03-29
0112Congratulations, Ulysses S. GrantMovie-themed weddings2016-05-082016-04-19
0113The Parrot Is Under Police ProtectionErrol MorrisPaul Comeau2016-05-122016-04-05
0114Multicolored Ramen Movie NightCaptain America: Civil WarDavid Tyler McKay2015-05-192016-05-10
0115A Blunt Instrument at the Sharp Utensil SocietyWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?2016-05-262016-03-15
0116And That's Where It All Goes GooeyScience gone wrong in moviesDuck Washington2016-06-902016-03-29
0117Bless Your HeartShane Black and The Nice GuysJessica Leigh Griffiths, Lisa Rucker2016-06-232016-05-21
0118Great Germans of ComedyNinotchka2016-09-222016-09-19
0119aThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 1Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 12016-09-232016-09-22
0119bThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 2Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 22016-09-242016-09-23
0119cThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 3Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 3Suzana Soliz, Barbara Kennedy, Reed Oliver, Leigh Harris, Jessica Cargill2016-09-252016-09-24
0119dThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 4Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 4Suzana Soliz, Barbara Kennedy, Leigh Harris2016-09-262016-09-25
0119eThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 5Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 52016-09-272016-09-26
0119fThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 6Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 62016-09-282016-09-27
0119gThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 7Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 7Adam Lueck2016-09-292016-09-28
0119hThe Return of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 8Fantastic Fest 2016, Day 8Susana Soliz, Jerry Belich2016-10-012016-09-29
0120The Art of Anti-City ViolenceShin GodzillaMatthew Kessen2016-10-272016-10-15
0121BabaDook Dook Grey DookThe Babadook2016-11-102016-10-26
0122Dormammu, I've Come for a CookieXanaCineHoliday 22016-11-282016-11-26
0123Gettin' Silly, Gettin' Deep with Sex CanariesButt-Numb-a-Thon 2016Meghan Murphy, Barb Lind2016-12-222016-12-11
0124C-Snarkio and the Irish Whiskey MafiaRogue One2017-01-082017-01-05
0125Not Enough SharksOff Topic Collection #8Various2017-01-19Various
0126Everything Is Doors NowB-Fest 2017Kelvin Hatle, Tim Lehnerer2017-02-022017-01-20
0127They Ask So Little of MeThe Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival 2017 (SFFSFF)Jason Murphy2017-02-182017-02-09
0128A Nickel Short of QuasimodoBad Lieutenant and Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans2017-03-022016-02-23
0129Thornado!Power dynamics in the Marvel Comics films and other superhero filmsDavid Tyler McKay2017-03-302016-05-10
0130XanaCineMovieTradeHolidayDayThing: Part 1XanaCineHoliday 32017-04-132017-04-08
0131XanaCineMovieTradeHolidayDayThing: Part 2XanaCineHoliday 32017-05-052017-04-08
0132aResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 1Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-032017-09-30
0132bResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 2Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-042017-09-30
0132cResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 3Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-052017-09-30
0132dResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 4Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-062017-09-30
0132eResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 5Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-072017-09-30
0132fResurrection of the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 6Fantastic Fest 20172017-10-082017-09-30
0133aViva la Eclectic Mayhem: Part 1Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-212018-09-20
0133bViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 2Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-222018-09-21
0133cViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 3Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-232018-09-22
0133dViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 4Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-242018-09-23
0133eViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 5Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-252018-09-24
0133fViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 6Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-262018-09-25
0133gViva la Eclectic Mayhem! Part 7Fantastic Fest 20182018-09-272018-09-26
0134aThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 1Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-202019-09-19
0134bThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 2Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-212019-09-20
0134cThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 3Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-222019-09-21
0134dThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 4Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-232019-09-22
0134eThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 5Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-242019-09-23
0134fThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 6Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-252019-09-24
0134gThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 7Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-262019-09-25
0134hThe Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 8Fantastic Fest 20192019-09-272019-09-26
0135Hello Again and The Best of 2022The Best of 20222023-01-122023-01-09
0136Episode 136The Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion, 9 Deaths of the Ninja, The Advent CalendarKelvin Hatle2023-01-192023-01-16
0137Episode 137The 40 Year Old Version, Smile, Togo2023-01-262023-01-23
0138Episode 138Oscars nominations, Come From Away, Space Sweepers2023-02-022023-01-30
0139Episode 139All Quiet on the Western Front, The Ascent, Pathaan2023-02-092023-02-06
0140Episode 140Avatar 2, Throw Down, Buster Scruggs, etc2023-02-162023-02-13
0141Episode 141B-Fest 2023Josh Shepherd, Kelvin Hatle, Noel Thingvall, Tim Lehnerer2023-02-232023-02-17
0142Episode 142Cocaine Bear, M3gan2023-03-022023-02-27
0143Episode 143When Nature AttacksDavid Canfield2023-03-092016-04-20
0144Episode 144Off Topic Collection #9David Canfield, David Tyler McKay, Fes Works2023-03-16Various
0145Episode 145Movie Set Visit / Moulin Rouge on stage / That Thing You Do2023-03-232023-03-16
0146Episode 146Judas and the Black Messiah / BlacKkKlansman / Don’t Worry Darling2023-03-302023-03-27
0147Episode 147XanaCineHoliday 4, Part 12023-04-062023-03-31
0148Episode 148XanaCineHoliday 4, Part 22023-04-132023-04-01
0149Episode 149The Raid / Tetris2023-04-202023-04-10
0150Episode 150Slings & Arrows / Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves2023-04-272023-04-24
0151Episode 151Arrival / Boss Level / Homecoming / Decline of Western Civilization2023-05-112023-05-08
0152Episode 152Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno / Air2023-05-192023-05-15
0153Episode 153Baby J / Soul2023-05-262023-05-15
0154Episode 154War2023-06-012023-05-29
0155Episode 155Map of Tiny Perfect Things / Autopsy of Jane Doe2023-06-082023-06-05
0156Episode 156Flux Gourmet / Velvet Buzzsaw / The Square2023-06-152023-06-12
0157Episode 157Goodnight Oppy / Folk Horror / Fast X2023-06-192023-06-22
0158Episode 158Across the Spider-Verse / Ghosted / Kandisha2023-06-262023-06-29
0159Episode 159Dial of Destiny / Nimona2023-07-102023-07-14
0160Episode 160Polite Society / Bullet Train2023-07-172023-07-22
0161Episode 161Oppenheimer / Barbie / Theater Camp / Pride / Beyonce2023-07-242023-07-27
0162Episode 162Barbie (now with spoilers!) / The Rocking Horsemen2023-07-312023-08-10
0163Episode 163Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 / Playtime2023-08-142023-08-18
0164Episode 164Legally Blonde / Jawsploitation2023-08-212023-09-19
0165Episode 165Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 02023-09-212023-09-21
0166Episode 166Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 1Barb Lind2023-09-212023-09-23
0167Episode 167Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 2Barb Lind2023-09-222023-09-24
0168Episode 168Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 3Barb Lind2023-09-232023-09-25
0169Episode 169Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 4Barb Lind2023-09-242023-09-26
0170Episode 170Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 52023-09-252023-09-27
0171Episode 171Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 62023-09-262023-09-28
0172Episode 172Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 72023-09-272023-09-29
0173Episode 173Fantastic Fest 2023 – Day 8 REPOSTED2023-09-282023-09-30
Reposted 2023-10-14
0174Episode 174Fear Street / Bottoms / No One Will Save You2023-10-092023-10-14
0175Episode 175Megalomaniac / Conann / Passion / Razorback2023-10-192023-10-16
0176Episode 176Dark Night of the Scarecrow / V/H/S/852023-10-312023-10-23
0177Episode 177Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour / Deep Rising2023-11-262023-11-06
0178Episode 178It’s a Wonderful Knife / Godzilla Minus One2023-12-202023-12-11
0179Episode 179Hanukkah on Rye / Babette’s Feast2023-12-282023-12-18
0180Episode 180Marvels / The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster2024-02-102024-01-08
0181Episode 181El Conde / The Promised Land2024-02-152024-01-29
0182Episode 182The Passenger / American Fiction2024-02-222024-02-05
0183Episode 183Last Voyage of the Demeter / Parallax View2024-02-292024-02-12
0184Episode 184B-Fest 2024Kelvin Hatle, Noel Thingvall2024-03-072024-02-18
0185Episode 185XanaCineHoliday 52024-03-142024-02-24
0186Episode 186Saltburn / Tenet / Dune2024-03-212024-03-04
0187Episode 187A Haunting in Venice / The Boy Friend / Lisa Frankenstein / Death of Stalin2024-04-122024-03-18
0188Episode 188Madame Web / American Utopia / Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar2024-05-022024-03-25