Episode 196: Twisters (and also a story about a bird)

Episode 196We are back, dear listeners! We bring to you this week appreciation for Glen Powell and for the hallowed Jucy Lucy. And Melissa has a story about a bird!

Movies discussed:
Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar
Midsomer Murders (TV)

Other things discussed:
Matt’s Bar and the famous Jucy Lucy
The Burger Scholar (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAzrgbu8gEMIkFTtpY-Vn0Kjj_LQ0pE0M&si=sdDTnc4g4o65GhOm)
A particularly ridiculous encounter with a small bird
Monster smut
Politics (sorry!)


  1. We’re going to be reading about this political power move for decades hence. Such a slick play. Masterclass, and from the “circular firing squad” party no less. Also: The coolest job in late 2024 absolutely MUST be “part of Harris’ comms team.” They are knocking it outta the park.

    (And seeing as how it’s been a hot minute since this was recorded: Watching those guys absolutely flail trying to find something horrible about Walz that sticks? Schadenfreudelicious.)

  2. I love that Tr*mp is so lost that he’s still aiming at Biden instead of Kamela.

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