Tag: Lisztomania

Episode 147: XanaCineHoliday 4, Part 1

Episode 147Dear listeners, today we bring back one of our favorite traditions of Pleasure Domes past: the XanaCineHoliday! This esteemed holiday is when Windy and Melissa pick out a weekend, assign movies to each other, watch those movies, and meet up between films to talk about them. Today’s episode is the first half our XanaCineHoliday disucssions; next week we will post the second half.

Movies discussed:
Space Sweepers
Newsies: The Broadway Musical
Mulholland Drive
Facing Nolan

Episode 1: WTFW?

Xanadu Sq LogoWelcome to our inaugural podcast! Please join us in our love of movies.

If you care to drink along with us, this week’s wine is a Malbec from Barefoot Wines.

Please excuse our audio problems. The static was only discovered after we recorded the podcast. (Apparently, Snowball microphones do not agree with Audacity.) We did what we could to rescue the audio. We promise that we’ve fixed this entirely for future recording sessions.

And no, we never do manage to explain in the episode why we named the podcast Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome. How about you posit a theory and e-mail it to us? pleasuredome@xanaducinema.com

Show notes behind the cut!

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