Tag: The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

Episode 110: You Boarded This Bus on Purpose

, with special guest:

Asylum FilmsWe have a treat for you this week, dear listeners, as we invite special guest star Alee Ellingsberg of Reel Education: Noir to join us for an episode about ASYLUM FILMS! And by Asylum Films, we mean the production house that has given us things like Atlantic Rim, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, and Sharknado.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend Santiago Station Cabernet Sauvignon (if you’re a wine person) or Schell’s Oktoberfest (if you’re a beer person). Either way, you’ll be better prepared for the likes of Megashark vs. Giant Octopus.

Note: the special gift at the end of this episode is a recording made by Tim Wick and Geoffrey Brown for Big Fun Radio Funtime in April 2014. We’re including it here with permission. (Incidentally, these are the same guys who wrote our theme music.) We’re sorry that the audio isn’t great, but that’s the way it is. If you like it, you can get it directly from Bandcamp for free.

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Episode 109: We Don’t Need Physics! We Have Cars!

, with special guest:

The Fast and the FuriousWe return victorious this week, dear family, with an episode about The Fast and the Furious series! We are joined by Alamo Drafthouse denizen Luke Mullen for this in-depth squeefest about our favorite car-smashing soap opera, as Windy describes her thoughts and feelings after seeing all of the films for the first time.

If you would like to join us in drinking… well, we did it wrong. No matter what we were/weren’t drinking during the actual episode, we should have been drinking Corona. Because family.

Sorry for delivering this episode a week late! Melissa wound up being unexpectedly busy with getting married.

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Episode 86: Mechanocinephilia (with the Occasional Devil Cult)

0086 CarsThis week, dear listeners, we bring you an episode about Melissa’s obsession with car movies! We talk about car chases, car crashes, car explosions, and, of course, devil cults.

If you would like to drink along, you’ll need to go to a gas station in Wisconsin to pick up a bottle of Three Lakes Winery semi-sweet cranberry wine. But we won’t judge you if you substitute something within easier reach!

Show notes behind the cut!

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