Tag: Drop Dead Gorgeous

Episode 81: There’s a Lake in the Way

0081 MinnesotaDear listeners, with Windy moving to Texas and all, we’re getting our pre-nostalgia on with an episode all about Minnesota movies! That’s right… we spend about half the time telling stories, and the other half talking about the likes of Prince, Diablo Cody, and the Coen brothers.

If you would like to drink along, we found a lot of joy in the bottom of a bottle of Cantele Primitivo. Perhaps you will, too!

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Episode 63: But What About the Lacrosse?

, with special guest:

0063 TeenDear listeners, we are well aware that we are middle-aged ladies, so we brought on young’un Kate Cornish from the North Star Roller Girls to discuss teen comedies!

(Okay, so we admit Kate is old enough to have PhD and we’re talking about teen comedies of the late 1990s, but hey! We’re trying!)

If you feel brave enough to drink along with two roller girls and Melissa, we suggest The Gaucho Club Oak Cask Malbec. It is tasty and its Argentinian ways pleased us greatly.

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