Tag: Lewis Lovhaug

Episode 75: Alpacalyptic

0075 Off Topic 5It is time, dear listeners, for our fifth Off Topic episode! Like our previous Off Topic episodes, this one is constructed of bits that were cut out of the previous 14 episodes: gaffs, giggles, tangents, and other random stuff.

Amidst this wandering fray, you will hear the voices of many former guests, including:
Tonya Wershow
Kate Cornish
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Harrigan
Lewis Lovhaug
Cetius Scotchbringer
Eric Knight
Fes Works
Noel Thingvall

And, as usual for these things, our subject matter and level of sobriety will vary wildly from clip to clip. So, buckle in and enjoy!

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 67: Switches Are Fun

, with special guest:

0067 Atop the 4th Wall: The MovieThis week, dear listeners, we talk to Linkara (aka Lewis Lovhaug) about making Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, a crowdfunded film based on his popular web video show. We discuss independent filmmaking, producing content for the Internet, and space ships.

For this episode, we were also joined by a couple of excellent audience members, Fes Works and Noel Thingvall. Yay!

If you want to drink along with Windy and Melissa, we suggest drinking whatever you have handy, because your dear hosts had drank so much wine prior to the episode that they totally forgot to mention what they drank. Thus, we apologize for all the lost consonants in this episode.

Show notes after the cut!

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