Podcast Guest: Tonya Wershow

Episode 75: Alpacalyptic

0075 Off Topic 5It is time, dear listeners, for our fifth Off Topic episode! Like our previous Off Topic episodes, this one is constructed of bits that were cut out of the previous 14 episodes: gaffs, giggles, tangents, and other random stuff.

Amidst this wandering fray, you will hear the voices of many former guests, including:
Tonya Wershow
Kate Cornish
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Harrigan
Lewis Lovhaug
Cetius Scotchbringer
Eric Knight
Fes Works
Noel Thingvall

And, as usual for these things, our subject matter and level of sobriety will vary wildly from clip to clip. So, buckle in and enjoy!

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Episode 68: Punchlines Are So Jungian

, with special guest:

0068 Monty PythonDear listeners, get ready to be bombarded with quotes, because this week our subject of choice is Monty Python! And joining us for our odyssey through absurdity is returning guest and Python fanatic Tonya Wershow!

If you would like to gain liver poisoning by drinking at every Python quote we drop, please consider Trepiche Malbec, which is responsible for our tipsy behavior during this episode.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 62: Turtles All the Way Down: Part 2

, with special guest:

0062 Meta 2This week, devoted listeners, we bring you the second half of our meta movies discussion with Tonya Wershow! Or perhaps more correctly, this is the final few minutes of the discussion, followed by 20 minutes of tangents and drunken giggling, because that is the quality podcasting that we know you value.

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Episode 61: Turtles All the Way Down: Part 1

, with special guest:

0061 Meta 1This week, dear listeners, Tonya Wershow joins us for an in-depth discussion about meta movies! We got so deep into our discussion, in fact, that we had to split it into two halves! (We hereby deny implications that we were too drunk to watch the time while recording.)

(…but if we were in such a state, we’d certainly achieve it by drinking something like Trapiche Malbec. Or tiny bottles of Jameson.)

Show notes behind the cut!

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