Tag: Xanadu

Episode 189: Staying Alive / Time Masters / Lisa Frankenstein

Episode 189This week, dear listeners, join us in the hot tub for our latest cinematic delights! No really, we’re in a hot tub!

Movies mentioned:
Staying Alive
Lisa Frankenstein
Time Masters (aka Masters of Time)

Other things mentioned:
Hot tubs
Cadbury Mini Eggs

Episode 141: B-Fest 2023

Episode 141Dear listeners, this week Melissa brings you to the wilds of Evanston, Illinois for the 40th anniversary of B-Fest, a 24-hour film festival of bad movies, cult movies, and other mayhem. Killer children! Aliens resurrecting the dead! Space Camp!

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 68: Punchlines Are So Jungian

, with special guest:

0068 Monty PythonDear listeners, get ready to be bombarded with quotes, because this week our subject of choice is Monty Python! And joining us for our odyssey through absurdity is returning guest and Python fanatic Tonya Wershow!

If you would like to gain liver poisoning by drinking at every Python quote we drop, please consider Trepiche Malbec, which is responsible for our tipsy behavior during this episode.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 60: All Up in My Limbic System

0060 Off TopicThis week, dear listeners, we bring you our fourth Off Topic extravaganza!

If you are a new listener, here’s what’s going on: our episodes are heavily edited, mostly because we drink while we record. Most of the things we cut out are things nobody will miss, but sometimes we simply go off on an odd tangent. So, we save all the fun clips until we can just make a whole episode out of them. It’s like Voltron with less planning.

The audio bits you are about to here were recorded between November 2014 and February 2015. The audio quality will vary, the subject matter will wander, and our drunkenness… well, you know the drill. You will also hear the sonorous voices of:

Pat Harrigan
Kelvin Hatle
David Justin
Barb Lind
Meghan Murphy
Gordon Smuder
Sharon Stiteler
Noel Thingvall

Please enjoy our fourth Off Topic celebration. More show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 50: Rock You Like a Muse

, with special guest: ,

0050 XanaduIn today’s very special episode, dear listeners, we celebrate our first year of podcasting with an episode all about XANADU! That’s right, friends, it’s all leg-warmers and ribbons and magical Olivia Newton John today! And for this grand event, we called up some fellow Xana-fans and former guests, namely Gordon Smuder (of the Puppet Forge and Transylvania Television) and Sharon Stiteler (aka Birdchick).

(In fact, Gordon is such a Xana-dude that he sent me an e-mail full of puns prior to recording the episode. What is Colridge’s favorite soft drink? Mountain Xana-dew. The sequel to Xanadu? Xanadeux. Colridge’s favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon? Xana-Scooby-Doo. Paul Atreides’ favorite musical movie? XanaDune. Frank Sinatra’s favorite musical movie? Xanadoobie-doobie-doo. And what do you smoke while watching Xanadu? A Xanadube.)

As you might notice while you listen to the episode, we have been drinking. If you want to join our inebriated joviality, we recommend Lagavulin 16. Or Cupcake Vineyards Prosecco. Or sake screwdrivers. Really, they all worked pretty well when we were recording. (hic)

Further show notes and links behind the cut!

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