Tag: Nick Frost

Episode 59: I Will Eat Your Beef

0059 DislikeFor this week’s episode, dear listeners, we decided to discuss movies we just don’t get: films that seem to be almost universally adored, but, because of some personal defect deep within ourselves, we just don’t like. In other words, we sit around and complain about things other people tell us are good.

For this episode, we recommend that you join us in drinking, because that makes for better bitching. During this episode, we greatly enjoyed bottles of Line 39 Petit Syrah and Wrongo Dongo Red. Because, surely, we are probably a bit of wrongo dongo ourselves.

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Episode 57: Saltine Lust

, with special guest:

0057 RomcomDear listeners, if the term “romcom” is poison to you, don’t worry… we know how you feel! That’s why this week, we talk about romantic comedies for people who hate romantic comedies! And joining us this week as our special guest is comedy person Kelvin Hatle!

If you would like to ignite your passions with some booze (as we certainly did while recording), we recommend Rabbit Ridge Allure de Robles, a red wine with a rabbit on the bottle. Because rabbits have sexy-times, and so should you.

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