Tag: Drew Barrymore

Episode 77: Corn Is Creepy: Part 1

, with special guest:

0077 Stephen King MoviesDear listeners, this week’s episode has finally arrived, and it is part one of a two-parter about Stephen King movies! Even better, for this in-depth and very giddy endeavor, we enlisted the help of comedienne and Stephen King uber-fan, Molly Glover!

If you would like to drink along with us, we highly suggest one or both of these highly thematic wines: Castle Rock Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon and Double Dog Dare Cabernet Sauvignon.

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Episode 57: Saltine Lust

, with special guest:

0057 RomcomDear listeners, if the term “romcom” is poison to you, don’t worry… we know how you feel! That’s why this week, we talk about romantic comedies for people who hate romantic comedies! And joining us this week as our special guest is comedy person Kelvin Hatle!

If you would like to ignite your passions with some booze (as we certainly did while recording), we recommend Rabbit Ridge Allure de Robles, a red wine with a rabbit on the bottle. Because rabbits have sexy-times, and so should you.

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Episode 43: Ri-cray-culous

0043 AdaptationsThis week, we talk about a fine selection of book-to-movie adaptations! And yes, dear listeners, even though this episode runs extra long, not all of it is about The Lord of the Rings.

If you would like to drink along while we get down with our literary selves, we suggest a bottle of Foghead Red Wine. That’s right. Just plain Red wine this week, baby!

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