Podcast Guest: Molly Glover

Episode 90: Hey Posterity, Enjoy This

0090 Off Topic 6Dear listeners, this episode is a multiple of 15, which means this is our sixth Off-Topic Episode!

I know most of you know what this means, but if you’re a new to our podcast, here’s what’s going on:

Our episodes are edited. Like, a lot. We edit because we love you. Most of the stuff that gets clipped out just goes away into the digital aether, but sometimes, the edited material is fun enough to keep. So this episode is constructed from the bits that were clipped out of the prior 14 episodes.

The segments you are about to hear were recorded between May and November 2015. Aside from the voices of Windy and myself, you will hear:

Cetius Scotchbringer
Molly Glover
Eric Knight
Noel Thingvall
Pat Wick
Fes Works

Further show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 78: Corn Is Creepy: Part 2

, with special guest:

0078 Stephen King MoviesThis week, dear listeners, we bring you the second half of our Stephen King movies extravaganza, with special guest star, Molly Glover! We plunge heartily into the good, the bad, and the ugly of the more recent years in King film adaptations.

If you would like to drink along (and you probably should), we recommend either Double Dog Dare Cabernet Sauvignon or Castle Rock Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon, because they’re all thematic and stuff.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 77: Corn Is Creepy: Part 1

, with special guest:

0077 Stephen King MoviesDear listeners, this week’s episode has finally arrived, and it is part one of a two-parter about Stephen King movies! Even better, for this in-depth and very giddy endeavor, we enlisted the help of comedienne and Stephen King uber-fan, Molly Glover!

If you would like to drink along with us, we highly suggest one or both of these highly thematic wines: Castle Rock Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon and Double Dog Dare Cabernet Sauvignon.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 30: I Expect Jazz Hands

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we celebrate our 30th episode with our second Off Topic extravaganza! If you missed our first Off Topic episode, here’s what’s going on: while we edit our regular episodes, many things get clipped out. Usually, the stuff that winds up on the cutting room floor is just long silences or drunken ramblings, but sometimes those edits are worth saving for another time.


The audio clips in this episode were recorded between April and August of 2014. The audio quality, subject matter, and level of sobriety will vary widely. You will also randomly hear the voices of:

Romeo Azar
Courtney Azar
Molly Glover
Kelvin Hatle
Christopher Jones
Jennifer Menken
Meghan Murphy
Fes Works
Windy’s Mom

Please enjoy the randomness of our second Off Topic episode! Show notes behind the cut.

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Episode 19: Manic Pixie Dream Nuts

, with special guest:

Xanadu Sq LogoThis week, we are joined by comedian Molly Glover, of Geeks Without God and Fearless Comedy fame! Our subject du jour is one near and dear to our hearts: portrayals of mental illness in film. We go big with the dark comedy in this one!

Our wine pairing for this week is Barone Fini Merlot, which certainly loosened our tongues, as this episode runs a bit longer than most. I assure you, I clipped an hour out of our recording session, and still had 78 minutes remaining. We had so many stories!

Show notes behind the cut!

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