Tag: A Chorus Line

Episode 106: Consider Yourself… So Sauced

Musicals that Windy hatesThis week, dear listeners, we bring you an episode about musicals that Windy hates! That’s right, there are several classic musicals that Windy can’t get behind, and we dig into them here! But here at Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome, we prefer to love movies and not hate them, so we also bring to you an assortment of great musicals that you can watch instead.

This episode was recorded back in December, which means this is the last of the full-drunk recordings. (Well, for now, anyway.) If you have been pining for the days when we’d drunkcast with wild abandon, this even-numbered episode is for you.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Glenlivet 12 or some sort of tempranillo.

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 105: Punching Space Sharks

0105 Off-Topic 7Dear listeners, it is time for our seventh Off-Topic Extravaganza! That’s right, the episode number is a multiple of 15, which means this episode is entirely constructed of outtakes from the previous 14 episodes. These clips were sliced out because of time constraints, irrelevance, and/or inebriation, but we felt we could still put them to some good use.

During the course of the episode, you will hear the voices of:

Noel Thingvall
Kelvin Hatle
Pat Wick
Jerry Belich
Monte (aka Chris Bowlsby)

Further show notes behind the cut!

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