Tag: Prince of Darkness

Episode 76: A Bulwark of Artifice and Awesome

, with special guest:

0076 1987This week, dear listeners, we welcome back Cetius the Scotchbringer for an episode about the year 1987! He figures that 1987 was a stellar year for fun movies, and we we completely agree.

If you look back at the year 1987 and feel old, we recommend that you drink more Aberlour 16 scotch, because that’s what we did. (And if you’re too young to remember 1987, please wait while I reach for my glass…)

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Episode 72: My Best Friend Turned Into a Cactus

, with special guest:

0072 QuatermassThis week, dear listeners, we are joined again by author Pat Harrigan for an episode all about Quatermass! We get into the nitty gritty of Nigel Kneale’s groundbreaking series of stories: the BBC miniseries, the Hammer Films remakes, the radio show… and even stuff like The Stone Tape and The Year of the Sex Olympics.

If you would like to drink along (and oh, we did drink), we recommend Black Ink wine, because it has a cephalopod on it. It certainly was appropriate to our subject matter.

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Episode 55: Neon Escalators and Things: Part 2

, with special guest:

0055 John Carpenter 2This week’s episode, dear listeners, is the second half of our John Carpenter discussion! And, of course, returning from last week is Master of Carpentry, Noel Thingvall!

As you can probably tell from our diction during this episode, Melissa and Windy had a whole litany of drinks coursing through their veins while recording. If you care to join in, Fox Barrel Pear Cider and Great Lakes Brewing Company Burning River beer are recommended.

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