Tag: Doctor Who

Episode 102: Poopception: Part 2

, with special guest:

0102 B-Fest 2016This week, dear listeners, we bring you the second half of our B-Fest 2016 rundown! Kelvin Hatle of the Get Off My World podcast returns to help Melissa relay tales of joy and horror.

If you would like to drink along, we’re still drinking what we had last week: New Glarus Staghorn Octoberfest, Green River soda, and HEB sparkling water with sake. (Separately. Not mixed together.)

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Episode 72: My Best Friend Turned Into a Cactus

, with special guest:

0072 QuatermassThis week, dear listeners, we are joined again by author Pat Harrigan for an episode all about Quatermass! We get into the nitty gritty of Nigel Kneale’s groundbreaking series of stories: the BBC miniseries, the Hammer Films remakes, the radio show… and even stuff like The Stone Tape and The Year of the Sex Olympics.

If you would like to drink along (and oh, we did drink), we recommend Black Ink wine, because it has a cephalopod on it. It certainly was appropriate to our subject matter.

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Episode 65: The Ugly Polyester Carpet of the Soul

, with special guest:

0065 Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyThis week, dear listeners, we get literary with an in-depth discussion of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: the book, the BBC miniseries, and the 2011 film! And for our discussion, we are joined by the ever-erudite author Pat Harrigan!

If you have not read or seen any version of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, dear listeners, be wary: this episode is loaded with spoilers! We recommend all three versions of this tale, so please indulge in at least one of them prior to listening.

If you feel the need to fortify yourself with alcohol for this detailed exploration of very British things, we recommend a bottle of Cline Zinfandel, which did very nicely for us.

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