Tag: Stephen King

Episode 134e: The Eclectic Mayhem Raids Again! Part 5

Fantastic Fest 2019Dear listeners, we are back with tales and movies from Day 5 of Fantastic Fest 2019! The second half of the fest has begun, so we are starting to catch the movies we’ve heard good things about in the first four days!

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Episode 78: Corn Is Creepy: Part 2

, with special guest:

0078 Stephen King MoviesThis week, dear listeners, we bring you the second half of our Stephen King movies extravaganza, with special guest star, Molly Glover! We plunge heartily into the good, the bad, and the ugly of the more recent years in King film adaptations.

If you would like to drink along (and you probably should), we recommend either Double Dog Dare Cabernet Sauvignon or Castle Rock Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon, because they’re all thematic and stuff.

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Episode 77: Corn Is Creepy: Part 1

, with special guest:

0077 Stephen King MoviesDear listeners, this week’s episode has finally arrived, and it is part one of a two-parter about Stephen King movies! Even better, for this in-depth and very giddy endeavor, we enlisted the help of comedienne and Stephen King uber-fan, Molly Glover!

If you would like to drink along with us, we highly suggest one or both of these highly thematic wines: Castle Rock Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon and Double Dog Dare Cabernet Sauvignon.

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Episode 55: Neon Escalators and Things: Part 2

, with special guest:

0055 John Carpenter 2This week’s episode, dear listeners, is the second half of our John Carpenter discussion! And, of course, returning from last week is Master of Carpentry, Noel Thingvall!

As you can probably tell from our diction during this episode, Melissa and Windy had a whole litany of drinks coursing through their veins while recording. If you care to join in, Fox Barrel Pear Cider and Great Lakes Brewing Company Burning River beer are recommended.

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Episode 2: Watershed Moments

Xanadu Sq LogoWe survived the last podcast long enough to make another podcast!

If you care to drink along with us, this week’s wine is a Malbec from Gascon Wines. (It’s lovely.)

Please excuse a few minor audio problems. While we were able to rid ourselves of the static heard last week, you will probably notice some audio artifacts here and there. (The audio for next week’s episode is stellar, I assure you. Despite our inebriated states, we have an upward slope on our learning curve.)

And we went another week without explaining why we named the podcast Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome. How about you posit a theory and e-mail it to us? pleasuredome@xanaducinema.com

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