Tag: Hamilton

Episode 129: Thornado!

, with special guest:

MCUWe’re back, dear listeners, with an episode all about power dynamics in the MCU (Marvel Comics movie universe) and superhero movies in general! And for this extremely long (and kinda drunken) discussion, we are joined by geography professor David Tyler McKay!

If you would like to drink along (and why wouldn’t you?), we recommend either Bushmills Irish Whiskey (Melissa’s choice), Grupo Olarra ‘Acantus’ Cabernet Sauvignon – Tempranillo (Windy’s choice), or New Amsterdam Vodka (which is what Melissa was feeding David).

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Episode 112: Congratulations, Ulysses S. Grant

Movie-Themed WeddingsThis week, dear listeners, we bring you a completely self-indulgent episode about our movie-themed weddings! That’s right: Melissa just got married a few weeks ago in a very nerdy fashion, and Windy also had a nerd wedding when she got married, so we just talk about all that for an hour. We promise that there is far more talk about swords and Godzilla than flower arrangements or color themes.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Yellowtail Sangria (Windy’s pick) or Bushmills Whiskey (Melissa’s pick).

We don’t currently have a copy of the photo of Windy’s wedding that was discussed in the episode (we’ll add it later when we find a copy of it), but here are a couple photos from Melissa’s wedding:

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Episode 108: Let’s Pop the Hubris Bubble!

, with special guest:

SwedingThis week, dear listeners, guest star Jerry Belich returns to share stories about movie sweding! That’s right: Jerry and Melissa tell backstage stories about making silly YouTube videos!

(If you are not familiar with the term “sweding”, it refers to making your own homemade version of your favorite movies. The term comes from the Michel Gondry film, Be Kind Rewind, which tells the tale of two video store clerks who accidentally erase their store’s inventory, and must remake all the movies from scratch.)

If you would like to drink along with all the tales of misadventure and reckless endangerment, we recommend Glenlivet 12 (Jerry’s pick), Barefoot Wines Cabernet Sauvignon (Windy’s pick), or Cheerwine (Melissa’s non-alcoholic pick).

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Episode 104: A Pair of Teeth: Part 2

, with special guest:

0104 XanaCineHoliday 2Dear listeners, we return to you this week with the second half of our XanaCineHoliday Extravaganza! That’s right — Windy, Melissa, and Pat Wick all spent an entire day in movie theaters, and they bring tales of current movies for your ears.

If you would like to catch up with Windy’s garrulous inebriation, we recommend Yellowtail Sangria.

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Episode 95: KlaxOn! KlaxOff!

0095 Star Wars: The Force AwakensIt was inevitable, dear listeners: this week, we talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens! If you have not seen it yet, fear not: we stay spoiler-free for the first portion of the podcast, then ring an alarm before we plunge headlong into the spoiler zone.

If you would like to drink along (and oh we were drinking), we recommend either Yellowtail Sangria or Glenlivet 12 single malt scotch. Or perhaps some sort of blue space-milk paired with self-cooking bread powder.

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