Tag: Gojira

Episode 126: Everything Is Doors Now

, with special guest: ,

B-Fest 2017This week, dear listeners, we bring you straight into the heart of B-Fest 2017, as Melissa, Field Correspondent Kelvin Hatle, and special guest star Tim Lehnerer spend 24 hours in Chicago watching crappy movies!

And if you are wondering what we were drinking, the answer is, “Not enough.”

Click beyond the cut for show notes!


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Episode 120: The Art of Anti-City Violence

, with special guest:

Shin GodzillaLo and behold, dear listeners, we have returned! And with us, we bring special guest star Matthew Kessen, who has been dying to talk A LOT about Shin Godzilla!

If you have not seen the film yet, do not worry, as the first many minutes of this episode are spoiler-free. We make it very clear before we move in to The Spoiler Zone. (And after that, you are on your own.)

There is also a special segment at the end that was recorded the same night that Shin Godzilla opened in Minneapolis. We apologize for a couple spots of audio weirdness in that segment (the audio goes briefly from stereo to mono back to stereo), so if you think your podcast playing device has suddenly gone wrong, we assure you that it hasn’t.

If you would like to drink along with us, we recommend either Cupcake Red Velvet wine (Windy’s pick), Surly Hell beer (Melissa’s pick), or Spring Grove Rhuberry soda (Matt’s non-alcoholic pick). All three are delightful!

More show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 82: Nobody Wants That Much Dostoyevsky: Part 1

, with special guest:

0082 Kurosawa 1We return triumphant, dear listeners, with the first part of a massive two-part episode about Akira Kurosawa! That’s right! Strap on your oversized samurai sword and keep track of your gun, because we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of Kurosawa’s career.

For this epic undertaking, we are joined once again by movie ubernerd and fellow podcaster, Noel Thingvall!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon or Apothic Red, because they both start with A (for Akira!) and because they are tasty. Or, if you are the non-drinking sort, try Cherry Pomegranate Super Chill Ice, which is what Noel was drinking for this event.

Show notes behind the cut!

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