Tag: Seven Samurai

Episode 82: Nobody Wants That Much Dostoyevsky: Part 1

, with special guest:

0082 Kurosawa 1We return triumphant, dear listeners, with the first part of a massive two-part episode about Akira Kurosawa! That’s right! Strap on your oversized samurai sword and keep track of your gun, because we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of Kurosawa’s career.

For this epic undertaking, we are joined once again by movie ubernerd and fellow podcaster, Noel Thingvall!

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon or Apothic Red, because they both start with A (for Akira!) and because they are tasty. Or, if you are the non-drinking sort, try Cherry Pomegranate Super Chill Ice, which is what Noel was drinking for this event.

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Episode 66: Ah Yes, Nicely Put, Evoreeny

0066 Favorite Feel-Good FilmsFor this week’s episode, dear listeners, we sit back with some wine (a lot of wine) and talk about our favorite feel-good films: movies that we watch over and over and never seem to tire of.

And if you want to drink a lot of wine, too, we recommend a bottle of Wrongo Dongo Red, because we sure did enjoy our bottle.

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Episode 53: Bad Art! No Cookie!

0053 ArtThis week, dear listeners, we talk about art vs. entertainment! Do movies fall on a scale between the two, or is it all just a Venn diagram of awesome? We drink a lot of wine and try to find out!

Speaking of drinking, if you would like to join us in our wine-haze, we recommend Foghead Red Wine. Nothin’ fancy for our erudite discussions here, people!

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