Tag: National Treasure

Episode 91: A Jail of Cages: Part 1

, with special guest:

Nicolas CageHappy Thanksgiving, dear listeners! Do you know what we’re thankful for? (I mean, aside from wine?) We are thankful for Nicolas Cage!

That’s right, dear listeners! This week, we give you part one of a massive two-part joyfest about Nicolas Cage. And joining us for this endeavor is special guest star, Noel Thingvall: Master of Two-Part Episodes.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend Barefoot Refresh Crisp Red, which is basically wine soda. Or, if you would rather stay on the non-alcoholic side, we recommend either strawberry kiwi juice or Mendota Springs sparkling water.

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Episode 66: Ah Yes, Nicely Put, Evoreeny

0066 Favorite Feel-Good FilmsFor this week’s episode, dear listeners, we sit back with some wine (a lot of wine) and talk about our favorite feel-good films: movies that we watch over and over and never seem to tire of.

And if you want to drink a lot of wine, too, we recommend a bottle of Wrongo Dongo Red, because we sure did enjoy our bottle.

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Episode 53: Bad Art! No Cookie!

0053 ArtThis week, dear listeners, we talk about art vs. entertainment! Do movies fall on a scale between the two, or is it all just a Venn diagram of awesome? We drink a lot of wine and try to find out!

Speaking of drinking, if you would like to join us in our wine-haze, we recommend Foghead Red Wine. Nothin’ fancy for our erudite discussions here, people!

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