Tag: Steven Spielberg

Episode 116: And That’s Where It All Goes Gooey

, with special guest:

Science Gone WrongThis week, dear listeners, we return with guest Duck Washington for a conversation about science gone wrong in movies! We discuss many of our favorite sci-fi films in terms of ethics, real-life dilemmas, and copious amounts of wine.

If you would like to drink along (and you very well might), we suggest either the classy Piattelli Vineyards Malbec or the ever-reliable Low Hanging Fruit Merlot Reserve.

Edited June 23rd, 2016 to add:

One of our fine Brians, Mr. Donohue, has created a lovely title card for this episode. Witness its kaijutastic glory!


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Episode 83: Nobody Wants That Much Dostoyevsky: Part 2

, with special guest:

0083 Kurosawa 2This week, we’re back with Noel Thingvall, and we complete our Akira Kurosawa two-episode extravaganza! (If you did not catch Part One, you can catch it here!)

If you would like to drink along, grab a bottle of Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon. Or perhaps Apothic Red. Just don’t drink too much, lest you start snoring like Windy.

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Episode 53: Bad Art! No Cookie!

0053 ArtThis week, dear listeners, we talk about art vs. entertainment! Do movies fall on a scale between the two, or is it all just a Venn diagram of awesome? We drink a lot of wine and try to find out!

Speaking of drinking, if you would like to join us in our wine-haze, we recommend Foghead Red Wine. Nothin’ fancy for our erudite discussions here, people!

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Episode 46: Let’s Punch Each Other and Become Friends

, with special guest:

0046 Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014Happy holidays, dear listeners! Our gift to you this year is an extra-long and exuberant episode about our experiences at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014! We are also pleased to welcome back our guest star, awesome artist and fellow BNATer Meghan Murphy!

If you would like to drink along, we suggest a delicious milkshake made with (512) Pecan Porter and topped with whipped cream and pecans. If you don’t live in Texas and don’t have that delightful beer handy, feel free to spike that egg nog you have in your fridge.

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