Tag: Marko Zaror

Episode 84f: Fantastic Fest and the Eclectic Mayhem: Part 6

0084 FFThis morning, dear listeners, we continue our march toward our inexorable cinematic doom with our next daily report from Fantastic Fest! Hear about the latest slate of movies, Marko Zaror, and Melissa’s brand-new chest cold!

Movies mentioned:
Stand By for Tape Backup
Schneider vs. Bax
The Assassin
The Brand New Testament
The Wave

Episode 71: Live Chicken Melee Weapon

0071 Marathon 2Oh my, dear listeners, it’s time for our second XanaCineWeekend Movie Marathon! For this episode, Windy and Melissa ensconced themselves for an entire weekend, trading off watching movies that one or both of them had never seen before. This episode compiles their thoughts and comments about fifteen films, with each segment recorded immediately after the completion of each film.

If you would like to drink along, dears, grab the vodka. (It was a long weekend.)

(And it’s a long episode.)

(I mean, seriously, it’s a long episode. Buckle up, kids!)

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 46: Let’s Punch Each Other and Become Friends

, with special guest:

0046 Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014Happy holidays, dear listeners! Our gift to you this year is an extra-long and exuberant episode about our experiences at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014! We are also pleased to welcome back our guest star, awesome artist and fellow BNATer Meghan Murphy!

If you would like to drink along, we suggest a delicious milkshake made with (512) Pecan Porter and topped with whipped cream and pecans. If you don’t live in Texas and don’t have that delightful beer handy, feel free to spike that egg nog you have in your fridge.

Show notes behind the cut!

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