Tag: Tommy Rall

Episode 71: Live Chicken Melee Weapon

0071 Marathon 2Oh my, dear listeners, it’s time for our second XanaCineWeekend Movie Marathon! For this episode, Windy and Melissa ensconced themselves for an entire weekend, trading off watching movies that one or both of them had never seen before. This episode compiles their thoughts and comments about fifteen films, with each segment recorded immediately after the completion of each film.

If you would like to drink along, dears, grab the vodka. (It was a long weekend.)

(And it’s a long episode.)

(I mean, seriously, it’s a long episode. Buckle up, kids!)

Show notes behind the cut!

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Episode 51: Gloss Gone Horribly, Horribly Wrong

0051 Bob FosseThis week, dear listeners, bring out your jazz hands, because we talk about BOB FOSSE! Well, mostly Windy talks about Bob Fosse. But that’s alright, because Melissa suggested the topic because she knew she could be lazy for an episode while Windy expounded upon the greatness of Bob Fosse.

If you would like to drink along with us (and you know Fosse would have wanted it that way), we suggest Esprit Barville Cotes du Rhone, which was a lovely red wine. It’s probably not as high octane as what Fosse would be imbibing were he still alive, but it certainly kept us going strong.

Show notes and links behind the cut!

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