Tag: Santiago Violenta

Episode 87: Whaps Whapsolically

, with special guest:

0087 Movie MusicDear listeners, this week we talk about movie music with our friend and movie fan, Pat Wick! We chat about movie music we love and about some we hate, and then we sing a bit.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend Casillero del Diablo Carmenere, which we found highly drinkable.

An additional note on this episode: you may notice in the Ravenous section that Melissa does not actually talk about the music. She did, but her original short description was based on alcohol and not seeing the film for a very long time, so it was a misrepresentation of what the score is like. Thus, we clipped out those two sentences. Here’s a better description: it’s like American Civil War-era folk music meets Charles Ives.

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Episode 46: Let’s Punch Each Other and Become Friends

, with special guest:

0046 Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014Happy holidays, dear listeners! Our gift to you this year is an extra-long and exuberant episode about our experiences at Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2014! We are also pleased to welcome back our guest star, awesome artist and fellow BNATer Meghan Murphy!

If you would like to drink along, we suggest a delicious milkshake made with (512) Pecan Porter and topped with whipped cream and pecans. If you don’t live in Texas and don’t have that delightful beer handy, feel free to spike that egg nog you have in your fridge.

Show notes behind the cut!

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